Welcome to BuildME website!

Deo Bwire

BuildME is a Ugandan National Development Organization founded and registered in 2011 to provide formal Education and Skilling amongst youth in impoverished communities, in order to improve their livelihood and guide them towards self-sustainability respectively. To date we have scaled up our operations and expertise to;

  • Address issues of School dropouts, Teenage pregnancy and Early marriage.
  • Enhance Food Security in the communities of operation
  • Contribute to better Primary Health Care among urban and rural dwellers
  • Support income generating activities in Agriculture
  • Increase awareness of the importance of a Protected Environment
  • Empower the Civil Society

We utilize participatory approaches in setting community objectives and in implementing our programs; capacity development through promotion of selected technologies, education enhancement, entrepreneur skills trainings and provision of material support to communities has always been our heartbeat.

BuildMe continues to enjoy a smooth working relationship with private Institutions, CSOs, district local leadership, existing community structures and volunteers without whose material, financial and moral support we would never have effectively delivered our planned project activities, consequently enhancing our relevance to both the donors and beneficiaries.

I further believe that collaboration linkages with government and development partners as sustainability mechanisms will ensure that the designed community interventions are delivered in a relevant and holistic manner.

Bwire Deo
Executive Director
Email: deobwire@buildme.org.ug, 
Tel: +256 772 122622

“In harmony we build the World”