Youth 4 Uganda

Build Me in partnership with Youths launches an advocacy campaign aimed at demanding for youth friendly services. Build Me youths and other youth groups both informal and formal sector from different parts of the country, under the initiative ” Youth 4 Uganda” have on...

Fish Farming

Build Me creating sustainable income among the youth through establishment of fish demonstration farms. Youth have been trained on fish farming as a viable venture in producing adequate nutritious food and creating sustainable income....

Adolescent Child Program

OUT OF SCHOOL: Build ME Child Mothers support Initiatives: Progress review 2018: The approach to supporting child mothers has been designed to be on 2 fronts: We provide them with life skills to enable them generate income to support their children We build their...

Advocacy for better Health program

BuildME Advocacy for better health program considers right to health as the most important God given right that every citizen must enjoy. It focuses on ensuring that mothers are aware of the right to antenatal services, right to safe delivery, Right to Maleria treatment...

Executive Director of BuildME Taking questions

Health Advocacy Program

Despite the massive increase in global health aid in the past decades, and the efforts made by governments to improve the health of their citizens, progress toward meeting the health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is slow Uganda and especially the rural communities. Successful health...

BuildME - policy review meeting

Policy Advocacy Program

Policy advocacy is a critical element of the dynamics of development because the policy environment determines the circumstances influencing economic success and the extent to which the atmosphere is conducive for sustainable community Development programs .A certain degree of policy coherence is needed as...

Youth Advocacy Program

In the supreme policy organ of BuildME, there exists a youth member. He/she advises the board on youth matters for appropriate redress/consideration. At the secretariat level, there is an established youth department. This ensures operationalization of youth activities in Build ME district areas of...